Holy Trinity Church, St. Andrews

Boarhills and Dunino and St Andrews

Holy Trinity Church of Scotland

Dear Friends,
I don’t know whether you have ever watched one of those time-lapse films that speeds up the opening of a flower or the growth of a bulb or the emergence of a dragonfly from a chrysalis, but if you have you will know how beautiful they can be. But have you ever thought that there is a sense in which our world is opening up again at present, as we emerge slowly and carefully from two years of restriction that have been put in place to protect us from the virus that has blighted all our lives for so long. And that is a beautiful thing. The pandemic is not over yet, but the end is in sight. So now we all have an opportunity to resolve to make our corner of the world a better place.
Sadly, as well as serious illness and death, many of the ordinary things of life have been lost during the pandemic, organisations have had to give up, never to be able to start again, and former office-bearers in many organisations have retired for very valid reasons. All of this is a source of great regret to many. But with our re-emergence into the light of a less restricted life, also comes opportunity. We are all two years older, and hopefully wiser. We all are more aware of what is important, and what we have missed most. And it may be that we have made new resolutions about the way we wish to live. We have maybe even learned new skills.
So, in this letter I am appealing to you to look at your own life, and at the things that you value, particularly activities that may not survive without an injection of new blood. And if you have gifts and skills that you can see are now needed in so many walks of life, you prayerfully consider whether the time is right for you to offer yourself in service. After all, if everyone offers a little, so much can be achieved.
With love and blessings,