Holy Trinity Church, St. Andrews

Boarhills and Dunino and St Andrews

Holy Trinity Church of Scotland

Dear Friends,
It seems very odd to be writing this letter so far in advance, but as I shall be having a break next week, it seemed sensible to do it now. This coming Sunday is Advent Sunday, the first Sunday of the new year in the Christian calendar. Advent is a time for looking back and assessing the year just past, and we have certainly navigated some difficult times during that time. But more importantly, it is a time for looking forward, for a new year is like a new page in the book of life, making this a time of opportunity. There will certainly be more difficult times ahead, but I am sure we will be better able to cope.
Advent then, is a time of recollection and a time of preparation, and as we get ready to welcome the Christ-child of Bethlehem into our homes and our hearts it is an exciting time, especially for the children. It is also a time to think about the second coming of Christ that we are promised in the scriptures. The ‘Second Coming’ is a concept which many people find difficult to accept or understand and I hope I may have gone some way to address these difficulties in our service today.
Next Sunday (5th December) is a very special day, for our morning service will take the form of an Advent Carol Service. We have all been delighted to welcome our choir, under the direction of Walter Blair, back to our worship and they will be taking a major part in this service. It is also the thirtieth anniversary of my ordination and so our friends from Dunino will be joining us for worship, as well as some friends from my first and second charges. The service will be followed by light refreshments in the Hunter and Memorial Aisle and I hope you will stay if you can.
I can hardly believe it is so long since I took my ordination vows in Kettle Church. Much has changed in that time, but the wonder of God’s love for his creation and the message of the gospel has remained the same. As people of God and disciples of Jesus Christ we are all called to love one another for Jesus says ‘A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another’. In a world so much in need of love, what better resolution could there be for a new Christian year than to strive, as we are able, to keep this commandment.
With love and blessings,