Holy Trinity Church, St. Andrews

Boarhills and Dunino and St Andrews

Holy Trinity Church of Scotland

Dear Friends,
What does the future hold? There is a question to which we would all like to know the answer. And of course, none of us do. But what we do know is that we must plan for it, for there will be a future, and if we want the future to be optimistic and positive then we must make positive and optimistic plans. And if that is true of life, it is even more true of the church.
At the moment, the church of every denomination, all over Scotland is facing an immense time of crisis, not enough ministers, not enough money, not enough members, and not enough supporters. And so plans are being drawn up to reduce activities to fit the resources available. Surely, for people of faith, it should be the other wat round!
This means that as a result of present circumstances, and of course the pandemic, people of faith, who are the church are struggling to remain positive and optimistic. And it has to be said that it is very difficult in these circumstances to remain positive. But if we think back to the very beginning, the church was built on faith in the promises of Jesus Christ and the very hard work of twelve rather unpromising men and their friends. And just look what happened!
Locally just now, we are facing all sorts of challenges as the church in this place, and often it is difficult to remain positive and optimistic. But we do have plans about what do with our building at Holy Trinity, plans that will affect all the churches in the area. If you want to know what these plans are then please, please come to the Annual Stated Meeting the Hunter and Memorial Aisle on Wednesday 27th July at 7-00pm. It is such an important meeting, and a good opportunity to have your say.
What does the future hold for the church in this area? Well, we don’t know. But we do know that we must face it with faith in the promises of Christ, and with positive optimism. And we also know who holds the future in His hands. We know that God, through the power of his Spirit, will always help those who help themselves. So let us look forward in faith, for God gives us life each day. And let us trust ever in him for he rules over all things.
With love and blessings,