Holy Trinity Church, St. Andrews

Boarhills and Dunino and St Andrews

Holy Trinity Church of Scotland

Dear Friends,
This week the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland is meeting, both in Edinburgh and remotely, and both our Interim Moderator, Rev David Scott and Dr. Mike Stewart, Session Clerk of Holy Trinity, are commissioners this year. This is the first time since before Covid that this meeting has been at least partly in-person. There are momentous decisions to be made so please pray for our representatives and all the commissioners as they wrestle with difficult questions on our behalf.
There was a time when every minister went to the General Assembly together with an elder from each charge, and what an exciting and impressive event it was. It was very demanding work for commissioners, as well as a time for meeting old friends and making new ones. Now the General Assembly has been slimmed down, like so many things, but it is none-the-less important for all that.
Significantly, the main business of the week has always been prefaced with the celebration of the Sacrament of Holy Communion, and I assume that this will happen this year. It was always very moving to be present at this great occasion. In addition, it was a timely reminder that, whatever our differences in opinion might be about the many issues that come before the courts of the church, we are all one in Christ and are called by him to ‘love one another’. Not always easy when there are profound differences of opinion on some of the issues to be debated.
We shall be celebrating the sacrament of Holy Communion in Holy Trinity this Sunday (22/05/22), and this too is a timely reminder that as we gather around the Holy Table to give thanks for Christ’s love for each one of us, we are called to welcome all who come, and also called to love one another as Christ loves us. If you are sharing this service with us at home, you can join with us in spirit by providing yourself with bread and wine/juice for the sacrament. If you would like the minister to bring you communion at home please speak to your elder or contact me direct.
With love and blessings,

A Prayer for the General Assembly: Almighty God, your Son promised his disciples that he would be with them always. Hear the prayer we offer for your servants now met in General Assembly. May your holy Spirit rest on them, a spirit of wisdom and understanding, a spirit of counsel and power, a spirit of knowledge and fear of the Lord. Grant them vision and courage, unite them in love and peace. Teach them to be trustworthy stewards of your truth. And so, guide them in all their doings that your kingdom may be advanced, your people confirmed in their most holy faith, and your unfailing love declared to all the world, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen