Holy Trinity Church, St. Andrews

Boarhills and Dunino and St Andrews

Holy Trinity Church of Scotland

Dear Friends,
As usual at this point in the week, I have been sitting at my computer staring at the screen and wondering what on earth to say in this letter! It is at times like this that I sometimes turn to a little book of Daily Reflections from Pope Francis. You might think that a strange place for me to look for inspiration, but in fact, like most great people, Pope Francis has some interesting and challenging things to say to us. And today’s (June 9th) reflection says this.
‘We (the body of Christ in the world) need to avoid the spiritual sickness of a church wrapped up in her own world. It is true that going out on the streets implies the risk of accidents happening, as it would for any ordinary man or woman. But if the church stays indoors she certainly will age. The church is called to come out of herself and go to that place where the mystery of sin, pain, injustice and religious indifference, and of all human miseries is found’
At a time when all churches of every denomination are facing enormous challenges, this reflection has a lot to say to all of us. It is very comfortable to meet together on a Sunday and do what we enjoy doing as we worship God. And we are always delighted when more people come in and join us. And long may that continue. But it is so important that we should also go out and take risks for the gospel, go out and be church on the street for the rest of the week. So ask yourselves this question, ‘Would anyone recognise whose I am and whom I serve on any other day but Sunday?’ The answer might just cause you to pause and think about your life and what you can offer in practical love in the name of Christ and his church.
There will be no letter for the next two Sundays as I am on holiday for a week. Our services on 19th June will be conducted by Rev Alastair Symington and at Holy Trinity the St Andrews Community Choir will lead the praise. Rev George Fairlie will provide pastoral cover.
With love and blessings,